Kids Crafts: DIY Fairy House Made With Garden Pots

Kids Crafts: DIY Fairy House Made With Garden Pots

Kids Crafts: DIY Fairy House Made With Garden Pots

The HomeLeisure team discovered an inspirational young woman who was working hard to benefit her local community. The Sunshine Coast’s Samara Welbourne makes beautiful fairy houses and sells them at local markets, with profits donated to various charities including her local animal shelter. A fun kids craft idea to try with children of all ages.

Samara also volunteers her time at her local library teaching children how to make their own fairy houses, even troll houses for the boys.

Samara drew our attention with the release of her first book How to Make Fairy Houses at the age of 12. She appeared on Today to share her story and her magical ways of helping others. Her use of HomeLeisure REKO pots caught our attention and immediately HomeLeisure wanted to jump on board to assist, supplying Samara with a donation of additional growers pots to use for her upcoming charity projects.
Reko Pot Skinz in White and Charcoal

Fairy houses are creative little houses for fairies that children (and adults) build with the use of their imagination, using natural and synthetic craft materials such as bark, felt, moss, pebbles and foliage. The base of Samara’s houses are plastic gardening pots, and when finished they become magical wonderlands for fairies and their friends in the forest to visit.

Try making your own fairy and troll houses for your little garden community using our REKO Pot Skinz. Their thinner, lightweight construction makes them easier to cut the doors and windows into.
Successful business

Here’s Samara on ABCTV’s Behind the News talking about being a success in the ‘fairy business’ at such a young age.


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