Rescuing Native Wildlife, One Basket At A Time

Rescuing Native Wildlife, One Basket At A Time

Rescuing native wildlife for Australia’s much-loved koalas, they are an embodiment of the term ‘Aussie battler’. They face many issues to keep healthy and stay alive. A large problem maintaining and increasing the Koalas population is due to habitat destruction for urban development. The furry marsupials also have to defend themselves from predators such as dogs and cats, whilst combating life-threatening diseases.
One disease is Sarcoptic mange, a skin parasite that burrows into the skin and causes scabies, itching, and significant pain. Other wildlife, including wombats, are vulnerable as well as domestic animals.
When koalas are suffering from this debilitating condition, they look for bodies of water in an attempt for relief. Often found down on the banks of creeks and rivers, this is commonly their final resting place. The hard work by wildlife rescue organisations go and retrieve sick koalas, take them into care and assess their health. They give little Aussie battlers another chance at life or at least a gentler and more dignified ending.

Rescuing Native Wildlife

One such organisation is the Dutch Thunder Wildlife Care and Rescue, based in Koonoomoo in northern Victoria. Are part of the KoonaWonga Wildlife Rescue and with a number of other volunteers in the north-central area. This organisation was set up to look after our precious native animals that are orphaned or injured.
Libby Tanner emailed HomeLeisure looking to see if we could donate any of our laundry baskets to help them with their rescue work.
The volunteers use laundry baskets to capture and move wildlife, including koalas, taking them to safety and for treatment.
HomeLeisure was more than happy to help these wonderful rescuers with their requests.
Libby, who was volunteering at Dutch Thunder Wildlife Care and Rescue and is an impressive 13 years old, has been raising awareness and helping koalas and other wildlife for years. She also helps make pouches that are sent around Australia so others too can help rescue our native wildlife.
Following our donation, in January Libby was able to help rescue a sick koala found down on the bank of the Ulupna Creek.
The use of the laundry basket is ingenious. Attached with rope to a tree up on the side of the river, the laundry basket acted as an ambulance chariot to bring the koala up from the steep river’s bank.
Libby passed on 16 of the 20 baskets to Dutch Thunder that HomeLeisure donated, and the remaining will be very handy for her to sew more pouches and collect linen products such as flannel sheets, towels, pillowcases and woollen blankets.
As an Australian, business, HomeLeisure is more than happy to donate and help other Australians in need. These images and the video certainly makes us smile and feel good about our manufacturing.
Something as simple as a laundry basket can help rescue native wildlife, any bit helps, reach out to your local wildlife hospitals to see what items you can donate. Rescuing native wildlife is something we are passionate about here at HomeLeisure, and we hope you get involved.
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