Easy Pest Control For Your Garden

Easy Pest Control For Your Garden

Spring is an important time on the garden calendar and so pest control in the garden should be top of your list. Spring is a great time to sow many common vegetables like broccoli, carrots, tomato, zucchini, cauliflower and spring onions. However, all your hard work can be ruined when bugs and fungus feast on them first.
Aphids are small insects that vary in colour and live in colonies. They damage plants by eating nutrients found in their living tissue.
Plants show signs of an aphid problem through yellow-brown leaves, black spots on leaves, stunted growth, and a sticky substance known as honeydew that they leave behind.
You can spray the plant with cold water to dislodge them from the plant. If the problems persist spray with Pyrethrum or use an Eco-Oil for an organic remedy.
Use a good quality garden sprayer like the Hudson Bugwiser 4-Litre Poly Sprayer, which is ideal for weekend gardening and other spraying needs around the home. Quality and convenient features provide for frequent, long-lasting use.

Pest control for Snails and Slugs

Snails and slugs are a significant problem to the garden as they damage seedlings. If you find that there are large holes in leaves, destroyed seedlings and shiny silver trails, then you may have an infestation.
A bowl of beer can be placed in the garden. This solution attracts the snails to travel into the bowl and drown.
Alternatively, you can spray an espresso coffee solution over mulch or into plants where slugs and snails come. To make this solution add one part fresh espresso to five parts water.
Another handy tip is to clean the garden from fallen leaves and branches, remove over-ripe fruits and vegetables, and prune plants and trees from rotting branches.
Let us know how you manage pest control in the garden, what works for you and what doesn’t, we’d love to know.
Master Distributors are the distributors of Hudson in Australia and New Zealand, and the publisher of this website.
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